
Publications in reverse chronological order of acceptance date. `#` represents co-first author.


  1. VLDBJ
    Enabling Space-Time Efficient Range Queries with REncoder
    Zhuochen Fan#, Bowen Ye#, Ziwei Wang#, Zheng Zhong, Jiarui Guo, Yuhan Wu, Haoyu Li, Tong Yang, Yaofeng Tu, Zirui Liu, and 1 more author
    The VLDB Journal, Jul 2024
  2. VLDBJ
    WavingSketch: An Unbiased and Generic Sketch for Finding Top-k Items in Data Streams
    Zirui Liu, Fenghao Dong, Chengwu Liu, Xiangwei Deng, Tong YangYikai Zhao, Jizhou Li, Bin Cui, and Gong Zhang
    The VLDB Journal, Jul 2024
  3. TKDE
    A Unified Framework for Mining Batch and Periodic Batch in Data Streams
    Zirui Liu, Xiangyuan Wang, Yuhan Wu, Tong Yang, Kaicheng Yang, Hailin Zhang, Yaofeng Tu, and Bin Cui
    IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, May 2024
  4. VLDB
    Experimental Analysis of Large-scale Learnable Vector Storage Compression
    Hailin Zhang, Penghao Zhao, Xupeng Miao, Yingxia Shao, Zirui LiuTong Yang, and Bin Cui
    In Proceedings of the 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Aug 2024
    CAFE: Towards Compact, Adaptive, and Fast Embedding for Large-scale Recommendation Models
    Hailin Zhang#Zirui Liu#, Boxuan Chen, Yikai Zhao, Tong Zhao, Tong Yang, and Bin Cui
    In Proceedings of the 2024 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Jun 2024


  1. TPDS
    SketchINT: Empowering INT with TowerSketch for Per-flow Per-switch Measurement
    Kaicheng Yang, Sheng Long, Qilong Shi, Yuanpeng Li, Zirui Liu, Yuhan Wu, Tong Yang, and Zhengyi Jia
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Aug 2023
  2. TPDS
    BurstBalancer: Do Less, Better Balance for Large-scale Data Center Traffic
    Zirui Liu#Yikai Zhao#, Zhuochen Fan#, Tong Yang, Xiaodong Li, Ruwen Zhang, Kaicheng Yang, Zihan Jiang, Zheng Zhong, Yi Huang, and 4 more authors
    IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Jul 2023
    ChameleMon: Shifting Measurement Attention as Network State Changes
    Kaicheng Yang#, Yuhan Wu#, Ruijie Miao#, Tong YangZirui Liu, Zicang Xu, Rui Qiu, Yikai Zhao, Hanglong Lv, Zhigang Ji, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Sep 2023
    P4LRU: Towards An LRU Cache Entirely in Programmable Data Plane
    Yikai Zhao#, Wenrui Liu#, Fenghao Dong, Tong Yang, Yuanpeng Li, Kaicheng Yang, Zirui Liu, Zhengyi Jia, and Yongqiang Yang
    In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), Sep 2023
    TreeSensing: Linearly Compressing Sketches with Flexibility
    Zirui Liu, Yixin Zhang, Yifan Zhu, Ruwen Zhang, Tong Yang, Kun Xie, Sha Wang, Tao Li, and Bin Cui
    In Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD), Jun 2023
  6. ICDE
    HyperCalm Sketch: One-pass Mining Periodic Batches in Data Streams
    Zirui Liu#, Chaozhe Kong#, Kaicheng Yang#, Tong Yang, Ruijie Miao, Qizhi Chen, Yikai Zhao, Yaofeng Tu, and Bin Cui
    In Proceedings of the IEEE 39th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), Apr 2023


  1. ICNP
    BurstBalancer: Do Less, Better Balance for Large-scale Data Center Traffic
    Zirui Liu#Yikai Zhao#, Zhuochen Fan#, Tong Yang, Xiaodong Li, Ruwen Zhang, Kaicheng Yang, Zheng Zhong, Yi Huang, Cong Liu, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE 30th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Nov 2022


  1. ICNP
    SketchINT: Empowering INT with TowerSketch for Per-flow Per-switch Measurement
    Kaicheng Yang#, Yuanpeng Li#, Zirui Liu#Tong Yang, Yu Zhou, Jintao He, Tong Zhao, Zhengyi Jia, and Yongqiang Yang
    In Proceedings of the IEEE 29th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), Nov 2021
    MapEmbed: Perfect Hashing with High Load Factor and Fast Update
    Yuhan Wu#, Zirui Liu#, Xiang Yu#, Jie Gui, Haochen Gan, Yuhao Han, Tao Li, Ori Rottenstreich, and Tong Yang
    In Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, Aug 2021
  3. NSDI
    LightGuardian: A Full-visibility, Lightweight, In-band Telemetry System Using Sketchlets
    Yikai Zhao#, Kaicheng Yang#, Zirui Liu#Tong Yang, Li Chen, Shiyi Liu, Naiqian Zheng, Ruixin Wang, Hanbo Wu, Yi Wang, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the 18th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Apr 2021