Zirui Liu

Email: zirui.liu@pku.edu.cn
I am a fourth-year PhD student in School of Computer Science at Peking University, advised by Prof. Bin Cui and Prof. Tong Yang.
My research interest includes distributed systems (network management and measurement systems, machine learning systems, key-value storage systems) and streaming algoritms (probabilistic data structures, hash tables). My current research focus is using probabilistic algorithms to optimize the performance and efficiency of machine learning systems.
I received my B.S. degree in Computer Science from Yuanpei College , Peking University in 2021. I have been working as a research intern at Datacom Forwarding Algorithm Lab of Huawei, Beijing, since Oct. 2021.
My name written in Chinese is 刘子瑞 (Tel/WeChat: (+86) 18810703566).